The demand of the initiative period

The Shahrisabz branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology hosted an event on “Demand of the initiative period” organized by the “Department of Organization of Research Activities of Gifted Students.”

The main purpose of the event is to support students interested in IT, to provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement new Start Up projects, to train qualified professionals.

The event was attended by the head of the department Norkobilov Adham Tilovovich, dean of the faculty OOMTSU Tilovov Husan Shomurodovich, head of the correspondence department Rakhmonova Shahlo Rashidovna, professors and talented students interested in the field.

Tadbirni chair mudiri dots. A.Norkobilov opened and told the students about today’s interesting information technologies, web applications, digital technology, the basics of programming, its capabilities.

H. Tilovov, Dean of the Faculty of OOMTSU, called on students to take advantage of the current opportunities, acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to become good professionals in the future, as well as the correct use of the Internet in education.

The head of the correspondence department S. Rakhmonova noted that programmers need constant reading and research in order to gain thorough knowledge and experience. Of course, in the context of Uzbekistan, it is important to create national programs, as well as economic growth, if the programs that meet international standards will benefit the general public.

At the end of the event, 3rd year students Shakhtiyor Mahmudov and Isroil Kudratov, winners of the New Start Up Ideas competition, shared news from their projects.


The participants of the event were very interested in this field. All questions of students were answered by A.Norkobilov.

Blogger student: Ergashev Abduraufxon


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